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Real Nappy Reality!

3 billion disposable nappies are used in Britain every year – that’s 8 million nappies each day, most finding their way to landfill sites1. Landfill sites are filling up rapidly and we need to think seriously about reducing the amount of waste we produce. One way of doing this is by switching to Real Nappies.

Real Nappies are becoming increasingly popular as people realise their benefit to the environment and the wallet!

Friday the 22nd July saw the first appearance of Action for Sustainable Living’s new Real Nappy kit at a Women’s Health event in Old Trafford. The Nappy kit was purchased with Community Chest funds and will help Sustainability Consultants make real the idea of Real Nappies at consultations and events.

The event was organised by BLOOM; a network of different centres, groups and services, all working together to help people in Hulme, Moss Side, Old Trafford & Whalley Range get what they want out of life. The event aimed to provide Asian women in the area with free impartial health and well being advice. At the AfSL stall women were encouraged to explore real nappies as a viable alternative to disposables. Most women had not heard of real nappies before and were impressed at how modern and comfortable the real nappies looked.

Real nappies have come on in leaps and bounds in recent years, they now come in a variety of shapes, sizes and patterns suiting even the fussiest baby! Most real nappies are made from natural materials including cotton and hemp.

In comparison disposable nappies are made up of 65% wood pulp and 35% petroleum derived synthetic materials such as acrylics, rayon and polypropylene, these synthetics are produce form oil – another non-renewable source. As well as depleting natural resources, disposable nappies take hundreds of years to biodegrade and can contain viruses and even live vaccine which pose health risks.2

As well as benefiting the environment some people believe real nappies can have some health benefits for babies as they are made from natural fabrics - unlike disposables. Chemical-free reusable nappies mean that you are putting natural material next to your babies’ skin, rather than man-made material.3

Money savings are possible too! Calculations made by a number of campaign groups realise the cost of using real nappies and home laundering them to be on average £500 less than using disposables! The average spend on disposable nappies is £791.701 over 2.5 years.4 These calculations include the cost of running a washing machine (depreciation), washing powder and electricity as well as the cost of the real nappies, liners and a carry bag.

You may well have heard recently that the Environment Agency has produced a report contrary to these findings. The Women’s Environmental Network; a campaigning organisation representing women and campaigns on issues, which link women, environment and health, say the report is ‘Seriously flawed’. The lifecycle analysis (LCA) for the Environment Agency has taken four years and cost more than £200,000 and concludes there is “no significant difference between any of the environmental impacts”. But the conclusion is based on poor quality data and misses the point of its own findings.5

WEN’s full media statement can be found at www.wen.org.uk/general_pages/Newsitems/ms_LCA19.5.05.htm

Most people however seem to be cottoning on! Local Authorities across the UK are trying to reduce the amount of household waste produced in their area. Both and Trafford council are advocating the use of real nappies and even teaming up with a local laundering service: Cotton Tails, to provide free trials to local residents. council agrees Real nappies are a great alternative and give parents the chance to stop disposable nappies going into our waste stream and protecting our environment.6

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More information

If you would like any more information on Real Nappies why not follow some of the links below, alternatively you could book a free home consultation with one of our sustainability consultants who would be happy help you make an informed decision.

Notes and References

1: www.manchester.gov.uk/environment/recycling/realnappy

2: Cotton Tails Nappy Laundry Service, Tel: 01244 374521

3: www.manchester.gov.uk/environment/recycling/realnappy

4: www.wen.org.uk/nappies/cost_comparison

5: www.wen.org.uk/nappies

6: www.manchester.gov.uk/environment/recycling/realnappy


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10 years of real nappies!

Every year a week is set aside to raise awareness about real nappies. In 2006 Real Nappy Week runs from 24th - 30th April, and is 10 years old. Real nappies have come a long way from the days of terry towelling nappies and large pins! They are trendy, durable and excellent value for money.

To celebrate the 10th birthday of Real Nappy Week, AfSL's Chorlton and Whalley Range consultant is setting up a real nappy network group to help mums (and dads!) to use real nappies: 

  • Did you know that eight million disposable nappies are thrown away every day in the UK? Real Nappy Week shows parents how they can save money, save waste and benefit the environment all at the same time
  • You can SAVE £££££ - By purchasing nappies and washing at home the Women’s Environmental Network suggest that you can save around £500 on the cost of keeping babies in nappies.

Contact us if you would like to:

  • Get involved
  • Find out how you can get a month's free trial with Cotton Tails nappy laundry service ( City Council residents). It’s a free and easy way to try a real nappy service and see the environmental and health impacts real nappies first-hand.
  • Have us give a talk and demonstration to your mother and baby group

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Free Trial of a nappy laundry service

If you live in , you need to fill in an application form which can be downloaded at www.manchester.gov.uk/environment/campaigns/nappy.htm . Alternatively,  you can contact Fiona Maddocks - Waste Minimisation Officer for an application and further information.  Tel: 0161 953 2421.

If you live in Trafford please contact Cottontails nappy laundry direct.

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Assumptions for Cost Comparison

  • WEN has assumed an average of six changes a day as suggested by paediatricians Miriam Stoppard and Dr Christopher Green

  • The average price per disposable nappy is 14.5p.

  • This is based on WEN research (March 2005) of both branded and own brand nappies. The same research found the average price of branded nappies to be 17.8p per nappy (branded nappies hold 92% of the market3), and an average of 13p per nappy for own-brand. TNS superpanel found the average price of nappies to be 17p per nappy in 2003.

  • At an average six changes per day over 2.5 years at 14.5p per nappy this equates to an average cost of £6.09p per week, and an overall spend of £791.70 rounded to £792.

  • Whatprice.co.uk calculate the cost of keeping a baby in nappies over a 24 month period at: £793.32 and calculate 14.8p as the average price of a nappy. www.whatprice.co.uk/health/parent/nappies.html

  • Pregnancy and Birth Magazine found the cost of keeping a baby in nappies over three years to be £1,126.

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Useful Contacts

Nappy agents, Cloth nappy enthusiasts selling and promoting cloth nappies in their area. They may use one supplier or several for purchasing nappies. This is an excellent way to see a range of cloth nappies in the agent’s home or in your home. Most agents are very flexible and are happy to do demonstrations for groups.

Lollipop, Tel: 0161 860 4193, email: [email protected] Stocks most leading brands of shaped nappies and covers, plus Lollipop's own products.

Daisy & Tom, 0161 835 5000, 118 - 124 Deansgate, M32, stocks Bambino Mio products.

Real Nappy Network, provides excellent impartial advice on choosing, using and buying cloth nappies. Kim; Tel: 0161 282 6357 or Gwyneth; Tel: 0161 928 1549. Also has a list of websites for buying real nappies on the web.

Extra-Large Real Nappy Network, Provides information about real nappies suited for older children and adults. Tim Brown, 2 Park Road, Blockley, Moreton-in-Marsh, Glos GL56 9BZ; Tel: 01386 700 293 or call 01386 701 428 Email: [email protected]

Nappy Launderies, Do the washing for you! You will be given a week's worth of nappies to use, and once a week they will be picked up to be washed. You will then be provided with a new load for the following week. If you’re dazed and confused, call 01983 401959 to speak to someone personally about finding a contact in your area.

Cottontails, Jenny Baker, Tel & Fax: 01244 374521, email: [email protected], website: www.cottontails.co.uk, covers Cheshire, Wirral, South , Merseyside, Wigan, Warrington & North East Wales. The nappies are 100% natural cotton and chemical free. If you haven't had your baby yet, they will be happy to provide you with a starter pack 2 weeks ahead of your due date.

Real Nappy Helpline, and Nappy Finder give details of local cloth nappy contacts, whether you want to buy them, wash your own or use a nappy laundry service. Tel: 0845 850 0606

Women's Environmental Network, P O Box 30626 London E1 1TZ; Tel: 020 7481 9004 Email: [email protected], Web: www.wen.org.uk - online cloth nappy information, supplier contacts and details of Real Nappy Week.

National Association of Nappy Services, Tel: (0121) 6934949; Email: [email protected] Web: www.changeanappy.co.uk - Find out where your nearest laundry service is.

Friends of the Earth's resources for parents of young children, www.foe.co.uk/campaigns/safer_chemicals/resource/parents.html

Unicorn Grocery, 89 Albany Road, Chorlton, , M21 0BN (0161) 861 0010. Unicorn is a worker’s co-operative that stocks a small range of real nappies.


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Action for Sustainable Living, St Wilfrid's Enterprise Centre, Royce Road, Hulme, , M15 5BJ.
Email: [email protected] Tel: 0845 634 4510 Fax: 0870 167 4655.  

Page last modified: 04 March 2007